Friday, November 13, 2009

My classmates.........?

im in choir and my classmates do not take it seriously! espicially boys! i admit some of the songs are a tad weird but gosh!!!!! and the boys dont sing they mumble! well i cant really talk about them cause the sopranos and altos mumble sometimes to!but how can i get them to act serious?

My classmates.........?
Only the teacher can do something about it.
Reply:YOU need to just enjoy the experience...leave them alone because you can't really do anything. However they might be shy to sing, ever thought of that? I'm sure you have a lovely voice; show it to them...then they might want to get involved more if they see someone who 'really' wants to be there. G'luck
Reply:I felt the same way as you! There are some kids in there trying to get an easy A, and there you are trying to sing your heart out and love the music, and you can't do it! What I did was I developed a bit more of a solo voice and added it to my choir voice so my voice could stand out just enough for the song to sound better. After that, people who were trying to sing normally looked up to me a little because, come on, the songs sounded horrible with the mumbling!

Stay strong!
Reply:most people in school think of choir as an easy credit and nothing more. trust me, this is a universal problem in almost all school choirs. if you are really serious about choir, then talk to your friends and others who feel the same way as you and deside to set a good example. Always do the very best you can. Remember, if the directer is having trouble getting the kids to listen, then you are not going to make a huge difference by your self. by convincing the people around you to adopt a zero tolerance plan, you may be able to help things. When people are talking around you when they are not suppost to, ask them to stop. dont be aggressive, you will only make things worse, just tell them how you feel and try not to worry about what they think. high scool is tough, but to be a strong person you have to learn how to stand up for what you believe, it sounds like you already are taking the first steps! Good Luck!
Reply:It's possible they only took the class for an easy credit. Not everyone who is in choir likes choir. I had to take choir in high school for some "personal development" credit...I hated it and probably had the worst attitude out of anyone in the class. It's good that you are really passionate about choir, but getting a bunch of teenage/adolescent boys to take choir seriously is a little bit unrealistic! Let the teacher deal with them and keep singing your heart out.
Reply:it's like that in my varsity band class too. nobody preactices except me it seems. but oh well, the good thing about a band is that if you can't play you just fail or et kicked out. so most guys will kick it into high gear after a while. i think that will be the case for your choir. if they get a grade for it eventually they will start caring or fail trying...
Reply:theres not really much you can do. maybe talk to your teacher about it maybe she can talk to them

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