Monday, November 16, 2009

Are there other sites likes classmates dot com - but better?

Not Reunion dot com, they're just as bad. I know sites have to make money but both Classmates and Reunion dot com seem to be all about the money now. Every click costs. You can't read or send mail unless you become a gold member and that serves very little value if the people you want to converse with are not also gold members. And the constant email teasers are little more than annoying spam, not to mention how they hold your notes hostage by alerting you of them and then saying you can't read them unless you upgrade.

So what other school reunion sites are out there that cater to a sensible adult demographic, not simply a MySpace clone? I'm researching to see what's available as I consider whether or not I want to start one myself.

Are there other sites likes classmates dot com - but better?
Try -

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