Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why are my 12th grade classmates so dumb?

We played a game when it was men vs women in health class. It was a label-the-private-part game. It was detailed but some of the stuff was very easy to get. I didn't want to play such a dumb game, so I just watched. My classmates labeled the wrong parts of the testicles(they labeled scrotum) and the penis (which they labeled urethra) and the bladder (which they labeled the testicles). How can they not know that? What have they been thinking all this time they've looked down there?

Why are my 12th grade classmates so dumb?
They were probably labelling things wrong for the same reason that you didn't participate: it was a dumb game and they didn't want to play. I remember doing the same thing when we had to play a game where you drew around a person in your group then glued pictures of organs onto the area they'd be in inside a person - I think we put the kidneys in the head and the brain in the crotch. Sometimes it's mildly amusing to label things incorrectly.
Reply:It began back in middle school when teachers began "passing them" along just to get rid of them due to their stubborn know it all attitude.
Reply:Your classmates were most likely just being dumb asses. However, If this is not the case, I would say that they are the result of the modern public school system. Your only hope is to go to a good college and try to encourage your classmates to do the same.
Reply:Maybe it's because you're so smart!

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