Monday, November 16, 2009

How many of your classmates wear contact lesnses?

how many of your classmates wear contact lesnses or eyeglasses ?

If you wear contact lenses or eyeglasses, which one do you prefer ?

How many of your classmates wear contact lesnses?
I prefer contacts, I have about 14 people in my class who wear them.
Reply:basically everyone but 4 people, so thats 27 people (31 people in class) y?
Reply:i would and do wear contacts...a lot of people i know wear contacts!
Reply:contacts: 30

glasses: 5 or 12

me: neither

i would wear contacts though. my mom wears contacts.

i would wear the soft kind. you can hardly feel them and are WAY easier to put in.

good luck


Reply:uhmmm i'd say twelve to thriteen kids have contacts. but i have a smalllll class.. 23 people (private school) i do wear glasses (but for distance, but still, glasses are glasses) and i have coach glasses.
Reply:I prefer contacts, they r comfortable. =)
Reply:i do. and soooo many people i know do.

contacts are so much better
Reply:I wear both, but not at the same time. If i don't want to go to the trouble of putting them in i wear my glasses, but if i don't want my head hurting wear your contacts. Contacts are more risky for your eyes though. Germs could get in them and cause a eye infection. I knew a girl that it happened to. So i would prefer glasses. Make sure they fit your personalty.
Reply:i wud sooo prefer contacts cuz its just sooooo geeky to go araound with glases and their annoying and u can loose them and stuff

classmates that wear contacts:: 2

class mates that wear glasses::: 0
Reply:unless they have perfect vision, everyone wears contacts. I mean, there's the occasional geek who thinks he looks cool in his grandpa glasses but that's about it.

Go w/ contacts
Reply:basically most people at my school wear them except for me, i stick by my juicy couture eyeglasses!
Reply:I'm going into 8th grade, and only two of my friends that I know of wear contacts. One is a girl, Haleigh, and she wears clear ones. And the other, Damian, is gay, and he wears blue ones.
Reply:i wear contacts, and i like them better than glasses even though they're more of a hassle.

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