Monday, November 16, 2009

When a girl is teased by her classmates,isit because she don't like you?

A girl is being teased by her classmates about herself and a guy.After that she keeps avoiding being seen by her classmates with that guy.she would not even dare say ''hi'' to the guy.She never said that she do not like that guy.But are these signs showing that she is not interested in that Guy?

When a girl is teased by her classmates,isit because she don't like you?
She's probably very uncomfortable being teased so she is avoiding the guy, even though she may very well like him. Everyone wants to fit in and sometimes we do things we don't really want to do just to be accepted.

Learning to be your own person and do what you feel comfortable with and not what others expect of you is part of growing up.
Reply:Not neccisarily.. in my expeirience.. i was teased and still am teased by other girls.. Why? Because they are threatened by me. I have a dominating personality and i am more on the same level with they guys than their gf would like me to be. I hang around more guys and for a girl who is "mortifeid' to be around guys w/o makeup.. thats a lot to handle. also remember its High school.. its sucks for everyone involved.. f*ck what everyone else thinks! i always hung out with ppl from college or other hs so it really wasnt an issue
Reply:That shows that while she may or may not like the guy, she is immature and not worth going after. He could go so much better than someone who blows him off becuase he isn't cool enough.
Reply:It depends, perhaps, it's the other way around. It's for you to discover.
Reply:I'd find out if the guy is having the same things happening to him, and what he thinks about it. I know I went through the same thing with my best friend growing up that was a girl. People feel uncomfortable if they can't classify or label a situation. I'd say talk to him about it come up with how you will both confront the issue.

For example, you could both just ignore it and talk about everything that happened to each of you later that day.
Reply:There doing it because they want her boyfriend! They want what she haves, so there trying everything to make them brake up. This is caused by jealousy.

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