Friday, November 13, 2009

It is a long text, classmates playing the game, I feel I am losing, please help, their game is going to affect

It is a little complicated. But we have group assignment, our group is composed from myself, and 2 other student( one vietnamese lady ( Let's call her V.)60 years old, the other is an arabic mother( Let's call her A.) 31 years old). I am Arabic too. Anyway, she is kind of self-centered and I don't like the way she communicate with us, she is not clear about anything, giving excuses. she like to use break times and lunch time and other classes time to do our group work. But No, I didn't let her. So, she never come to group work, just one hour since we had our assignment for 2 weeks, and she is not coming to class without excuse or informing us. So we need kind of security and trust in her as part of our group. now V. was angry and she told me to wait a little bit more before telling the teacher, we asked advice from other mainstream classmates?( Croatians) to know what to do, they told us to tell the teacher. The teacher asked me and V. where is (A.). Where is (A.)?? So I couldn't help it, and I said to the teacher, that( A. )is not being with our group only once. so the teacher said that myself have to discuss appropriate ways of communication with the (A.) and the other lady ( V.) didn't say much, she let me say everything and she didn't complain about (A.). Now the teacher thinks that I am not competent in group work, and maybe not ready to work with staff or whatever. I am sure when I was talking to the teacher, another group of students have heard me in class. Any way, yesterday THE BIG PROBLEM WAS THE RESULT OF MY ACTION, I saw A. talking to the group of students that heard me complaining about her to the teacher, one of the them is croatian, and maybe she was told about me and V. complaining to the croatian people.( the crotain students in the mainstream group told the Croatian migrant that belongs to other team of students( one Arabic mainstream mother and one Spanish mainstream mother) now, everyone in class know the I complained to the teacher and classmates about the lady A. so I saw the students looking at me in class after the break time when I saw A. sitting with the group of students who actually where looking at me for a while. I don't know what is being said about me, but I know one thing that everybody knew that I was complaining about A. to the teacher. someone have told A. about me. Help? What should I do? I already had problems with everyone being careful with me, now everyone is afraid of me, so they ignore me or try to confuse me by being nice one day and not caring the other day or ignoring me , or try to hurt me psychologically?? I don't know what do you think I should do? They are playing the game, how can I win over and pass the semester at the same time?? You the social situation affect my emotional state and affect my mood to go to study because I worry why people are treating me differently each day? I really think I am right, but A. now is not accepting me being nice to her. Sometimes she does but the other time she doesn’t? they are trying to confuse me. I have to work with her for the 5 months. People in my class, are jealous and they are like sharks, they play the game, no one like the other, but they sit with each other. For me, I only talk to one person who is this V. lady. But she is also very smart and passive, she knows how to play under the radar, but I really feel sorry for her because she is a migrant and need help with transport or Internet! Or any other information related to study.

It is a long text, classmates playing the game, I feel I am losing, please help, their game is going to affect
Try to see if you keep out of contact with these people. If they're not treating you well, simply stay away from them and make as little contact as possible. Do not let them affect any part of you. As for the group project, do what I do when a member isn't working. Do the project on your own, or with V, and include a note that says that A didn't participate and/or hindered the completion of this project.
Reply:I believe you should trust her, only if you believe she will help you, or if she can contribute something to the project that you can't or makes your part easier. Report It

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