Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why not I be allowed to talk global warming with ""?

Global warming is simply human activities on/in the universe. Revelation 16:8-9. It is as old as mankind. Adam and eve first discovered fire and at best to please Jehovah do make altar to burn sacrifices, as much as they could to please their creator. So carbon momoxide, and carbondioxide was right then put into the atmosphere. Because their disobedience to God Jehovah also caused alteration to atmospheric conditions. It is clearer now in our 21st century because of Industrialization, Mining, and Technologies. God by Jesus Christ will do this repair. Our concern should be the fifth angel action and the sixth angel action. This also are human activities. This is my concern and President George Bush as a Prophet may have this in mind though hard for him to express. Missle defend shield is one action taken to avoid earth dissaster, by cold war. Nuclear war must be avoided if possible. This will also preserve Rome as a city and her people. I've written about this to submitte to classmates.

Why not I be allowed to talk global warming with ""?
"GW's simply human activities on/in the universe..."

A *very* odd way to state it - "Human activities" have been ongoing for ~130,000 years or more - all restricted to this tiny dot in "the Universe." GW activities are %26lt;180 yo, or less.


"Adam and eve first discovered fire" - Absolutely WRONG.

( Sorry, too many Absolutely WRONGs to mention. )

( So WHAT Is the QUESTION? )
Reply:maybe too much religion in the class
Reply:You are done with the what is the question?

If there was a God, why hasn't he fixed this already?

Perhaps no one wants you to talk about this because your statements are practically incomprehensible.
Reply:If you take all of your religious mambo jumbo out of your concerns I think people would be more than happy to listen to you.
Reply:It is not proven scientifically, that's why you cannot talk about it.
Reply:I hope this is a joke. If so... hahahhahahah!!
Reply:Is English your first language?
Reply:Wow. First of all, practice your English grammar before anything. Because duh, you can't talk about anything "with" I'm assuming you mean you want to talk about global warming "on" And if you really want to talk about global warming, speak about global warming, and not religion and cold war. In case you didn't know, global warming is about the temperature rising because of all the extra pollution caused by industrial nations, especially the U.S. It really has nothing to do with starting fires. And Georeg Bush is definiely NOT a Prophet.
Reply:I truly missed your question here.
Reply:The problem today is that more and more people are falling away from God and they think they can correct the problem on their own. We need to be responsible but the more people we have on this plant the more resources that we are going to use, even though we change to different resources. Cows and termites fart so much that contributes to green house gases. The more people that come into this world the more cows we need to feed them.

Mother earth can only give so much and the only one that can save mother earth is God but why do we put so much limitations on him, because the world believes in him less!


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