Friday, April 16, 2010

Do Japanese women want to meet Americans and how do they do it when they have foreign classmates already?

Many Japanese come for say 1 weeek, one month or even a year, or whahtever . They come as foreign students many times. And they meet foreigners studying in their ESL class .. I believe they are comfortable and its enough for them. So do they even care about meeting the American people.

Or is it my responsibility to try to befriend them?

I want to but i dont see any way of coming in contact with them. They already have their Mexican, South american, Chinese, korean etc classmates, they have fun with that life. Have great activities in their ESL class

why would they even want to meet Americans.

Do Japanese women want to meet Americans and how do they do it when they have foreign classmates already?
No....they do not want to meet you or any other ignorant Americans.

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