Friday, April 16, 2010

What would you do if your child keeps getting made fun of for wearing glasses by her classmates?

I have a daughter who is in elementary school and she tells me that alot of her classmates make fun of her for wearing glasses. We have to wait until she is 12 to get contacts-she has been wearing glasses since the age of 2. It breaks my heart to see her cry and for her to tell me that kids call her a nerd, geeky, four eyes, and the list goes on and on. Just need a little help to build up her self esteem. My husband and I tell her how pretty she is and that alot of kids are jealous, but kids can be so cruel. I also told her that alot of famous and smart people throughout history wore glasses. We have also spoken to her teacher. Any suggestions?

What would you do if your child keeps getting made fun of for wearing glasses by her classmates?
Unfortunately many people have not taught children to respect others. I would take it up with the teacher and the principle of the school. Maybe they could hold a class on respect. Children can be taught that being made fun of can be hurtful. In the case of glasses, each child could have to look through something to make their vision blurred and be taught that glasses help you to read. I would give each child a very blurred text to read and then make them read a story with the blurred vision and see how it feels to be laughed at. Let all the children read this way and then let your daughter read with her glasses to show that sometimes glasses are necessary. I would do this in class if I ever saw or heard a student making fun of another child. They could have their ears blocked and be taught that hearing aides help you hear. It is sad that so many children make fun of kids who are different. I believe it is the responsibility of the parents, teachers and principles to help children learn respect. God bless your daughter and I hope you have taught her that it is not her it is the ignorance of the other children. She should stand proud.
Reply:That stinks, and I too find it surprising because my daughter is 10 and so many kids wear glasses. meet with the teacher again and let them know you mean business (my daugher's had teachers who had an absolute no insult/bully rule and others who were afraid to make waves unless the parents stepped in firmly), tell the teacher if they don't do anything, next step principal, make sure you document first meeting with teacher, if prinicipal doesn't stop it, move to superintendent. This is still considered bullying and for whatever reason your daughter is showing a weakness to the bullying, i.e. not snapping back with some comment to shut them up or ignoring it so they see her as a target and we all know what kids are like. So, bottom line, the teacher/principal needs to set obvious consequences to the next person bullying your daughter, end of discussion. Remember, the old days are gone and you need to advocate for your child. Anyone who says kid will be kids need to realize that we have grown as a society and will no longer accept the sometimes life long insecurities that can result from cruel, mis-aligned kids.
Reply:I still don't get how kids are so stupid about glasses. There are SO many cute frames for girls now that there's no reason to be embarrassed anymore (your daughter's not stupid- the other kids are). Eyeglasses are incorporated into runway fashion. Watch any TV show (especially stuff like CSI), and you'll see the main characters sporting uber trendy sunglasses. Glasses are now considered a fashion accessory rather than a crutch. Helping your daughter understand that might help build her confidence. I personally wear contacts most of the time, but sometimes I like to wear my glasses because they're so darn cute. Other than just pointing out how cool glasses can be, I don't know what to tell you. I teach 3rd grade and am young. Whenever I know a student is going to get glasses for the first time, I make it a point to wear mine (I'm still considered cool by the kids, lol). I also offer to clean students' glasses every now and then. It becomes a normal affair in my classroom to where no one thinks anything about it. Perhaps if you could get her teacher in on the act it would help things.
Reply:the poor kid ! mean people suck ! anyway, i don't see what other choice you have but to talk to the teacher again. the kids are being unkind, and they should be made to cut it out. i agree with the poster who suggests you escalate it up the chain if you get no results by talking to the teacher again. good luck !
Reply:This happened to my daughter. KIDS ARE just mean sometimes. I am sorry to say that it doesn't stop until she gets contacts. It just keeps getting easier for her to deal with is all. Sad...but true. As soon as my daughter could handle the contacts we got them for her. She was SO HAPPY! However...that's not going to help your daughter now. IF she can have her ignore them and that's the hardest thing of all to do. So sorry....I "know" how hard this is for her: and you.
Reply:just keep talking to the teacher about it and keep encouraging her you should take her to the eye doctor and let your daughter pic out the glasses she wants!!
Reply:It is amazing to me people still make fun of kids with glasses since it is not that uncommon anymore. Sounds like you are saying and doing all the right things to help her. Unfortunately kids can be very cruel and will make fun of other kids....if it isn't about glasses then it would be about something else. I'm sure other kids are also being made fun of if they have something different about them (just a sad fact of growing up). Just keep reassuring your daughter like you have been doing because unfortunately you cannot stop the kids from teasing her. I agree with the other responses too....maybe a newer more stylist pair of glasses might help.
Reply:wow thats bad,she should try to be as strong as possible,if anyone says anything to her,she should act like it doesnt phase her,tell her to not let them see her weak side,cause when they do then they prey on it,if she acts like she doesnt care they will back off

and how bad are her glasses,you can get her a really sylish pair
Reply:get her a new, stylish pair of glasses.
Reply:Start finding pictures of beautiful women in glasses. She might need some proof. And make sure that her glasses are as stylish as possible (with in budgeting reason of course). Many celebs wear glasses even when they don't need them. Show her these pictures, it might help. Other than that, keep being supportive and see if you can get her in girl scouts or dance if she's not already. Perhaps in a different environment other girls may treat her nicer.
Reply:I had to get glasses in the second grade, and I wasn't happy about it....I got made fun of terribly. I would also come home crying, my parents were distraught, they didn't want to see me in pain.

My dad, told me that they were just jealous and that I should ignore them but when they called me four eyes, just look back at them and say, four eyes are better than two and walk away. It actually worked. When they called me a geek or a dork, he found someone famous at the time that wore glasses so I could be like, "So-and-so wheres glasses and she isn't a dork."

I am sorry that is happening to are cruel....I promise everything will get better!
Reply:well the same thing happend to me when i was in 3d gread till 4th and the only thing that stoped it was to let them all see that i just didn't care

i am very shy and they sore it as a weakness so theres one thing that i new i was good at and thats to tell storys so i just made up storys about how they gave me magical powers they dident beleave me ofcourse but it did get the massage across that they can't hurt me any more plus they thourght i was crazy so they stayed far away

so the only thing i can say is for your kid to fine its strangth and ues it agenst them
Reply:Kids are cruel some times, and they make fun of things that are diffrent. Just asure her that theres nothing wrong with her and theyre the one with the problem. Go back to the teacher and let her know that it really bothers your child and make sure that she takes steps to prevent it. It is not okay for her to allow this to go on. If she doen't do anything about go to the priciple.
Reply:I have worn glasses since I was 4. My son has had to wear them since he was 1. The only answer I can come up with "My parents love me enough to make me wear glasses."
Reply:Maybe you can talk to the teacher about making a special trip into the class to talk about how eyes are important. About the differences some people have. Why these things make each person special. Make it a learning experience within the class for your daughter. Maybe bring in play glasses to hand out after to each child.
Reply:The only thing you could do after the steps you have taken is call the childrens parents. But you have to realize if the children want to make fun of your child they will. It doesn't matter what you say or what the parents say kids are cruel and some parents don't correct their children. Another thing you may want to consider is maybe transferring her to another school. I know it sounds like you are backing out. Standing up for yourself can get them to stop but doesn't always work.
Reply:She should not be subjected to bullying, and the school must help protect her. Talk to her teacher and if necessary go up the change of command.
Reply:If your daughter didn't wear glasses, kids would find another reason to tease her. Kids are ruthless when it comes to teasing each other. I've worn glasses my entire life. My daughters have worn glasses since they were toddlers. For the most part, people don't tease them anymore, but when they do, its heartbreaking. I can, vividly, remember the pain of being called 4-eyes, or chubby, or in one case, "the walking encyclopedia," or freckle face. Your best bet is to work on your daughter's self esteem at home. Make sure she's surrounded by GOOD friends. Kids who love her for who she is. Praise her, let her know how beautiful you think she is. It won't help immediately, but in the long run, it will help a ton. Make sure she knows that she shouldn't have to change anything for people to like her. Getting contacts will be great, but its not going to fix everything.. Is she in sports or Scouts or anything? Somewhere where she can meet a good group of girls to be friends with? Sometimes having a big group of friends can really make a world of difference.

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