Monday, May 4, 2009

Classmates...judging me?

I feel judged very cloesly by my classmates, I'm guessing a lot of them are taking majors in in the medical field. I do not understand why they feel the need to look down on me if i screw's not their grade that is going to be affected.

Classmates...judging me?
People always need someone to look down on... It's sad, but it's true. It makes them feel more important and achieved, even though the chances are they're not.

I have a friend that chose a career path. She finished one stage and then decided to wait until she was ready for the next stage. She used that time to work on her thesis. She ended up graduating a year after her generation, and at first she kind of felt like she was less. But then she realized: nobody else was up to her standard, and they all got left behind because they were trying to rush. She ended up with flexibility and options to choose her job, and barely anybody else even got one...

Just trust yourself. You don't need any of your classmates recognition( sure, it's nice to have, but you don't need it). Go at your own pace, and make sure you're good at what you do. You'll end up on top.
Reply:they could be concern about you.
Reply:Why do you feel they are "judging" you? It sounds to me like this is YOUR own sensitivity you are responding with. So what if they DO judge you? Does that mean you will screw up more? Dont be ridiculous. Who cares what they are headed for. What do YOU want for yourself? What are YOUR dreams? Work hard for what you want and forget about them.
Reply:Could it be they are not judging you, but worried about you instead? Before accusing one needs to no all the facts, before you judging them.
Reply:Then don't care about them.

They're just one important.

If they say something to you then critisize them back.
Reply:They're using you as a means to feel more glorified and better about themselves by looking down on you.

Come on, you know this. Its typical.. They tear you down to build themselves up. Its sad.

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